- What causes a lead acid battery to go bad
- Why doesn't it last as long as the warrantee
- What can I do to prolong its life
- How does the BLS Battery Reviver work
- If I have more than one battery in my vehicle, do I need more than one BLS Battery Reviver
- Do I need a separate BLS Battery Reviver for each of the cars in my family
- How do I use the Battery Reviver electronic device
- Will BLS Battery Reviver harm my battery
- Why haven't I heard about BLS Battery Reviver before
- If I use BLS Battery Reviver, how long will it extend the life of my battery
- Why shouldn't I just buy a new battery when my old one goes bad
- How can I tell if my battery is going bad
- How do I know if I have a battery in my golf cart with a collapsed plate (shorted cell)
1. What causes a lead acid battery to go bad?
The most common cause of premature battery failure
Is due to a build-up of suphate on the plates, which interferes with the charging and discharging of the battery. This build-up is accelerated by the following:
- high temperature -- over 70 degrees;
- discharging the battery below 10.5 volts;
- storage without charging
The best way to prevent and remove this build-up is to use a BLS Battery Reviver.
The second most common cause of premature failure
Is loss of electrolyte --(the liquid chemical that causes electricity to flow) --due to overcharging or heat.
The third most common cause of premature failure
Is undercharging because undercharging accelerates the build-up on the plates.
Use BLS Battery Reviver to over come this problem.
The fourth most common cause of premature failure
Is called "old age." This is a result of the plates shedding material which falls to the bottom of the battery cell and eventually shorts the plates. This shedding of material is accelerated by the build up mentioned above.
The answer to longer battery life is BLS Battery Reviver.
The fifth most common cause of premature failure
Is excessive vibration. This causes the shedding to occur faster. The BLS Battery Reviver electronic device can help here because clean plates will shed more slowly.
2. Why doesn't it last as long as the warrantee?
This is a ploy by manufacturers to guarantee that you will buy another battery from them. They want to sell you a new one. Your warrantee is based on the number of months of use since purchase. This is called pro-rated. The pro-rated price you pay is its actual true price.
3. What can I do to prolong its life?
- Perform regular maintenance, especially during hot weather as follows:
- Check the electrolyte level in your battery.
- Clean the battery top to eliminate conductive paths so electricity is not re-routed and wasted.
- Check the battery voltage and recharge if necessary.
- After deep cycle discharges or jump starts, recharge your battery.
- Use a BLS Battery Reviver ? just attach it to your battery in seconds and forget about it.